Educate. Empower. Elevate.

Support Free Financial Education
When you support our work, you join the fight to level the economic playing field in America by ensuring that impactful financial literacy education quickly and effectively gets into the hands of those who need it most.
The majority of every dollar given goes straight to our programming. Our infrastructure is intentionally designed so your donations are maximized and can have the most direct impact on helping change people’s lives. The remaining portion of your cash gift goes to core operating expenses including salaries, outreach/marketing, and technology maintenance.
POWR also gladly accepts in-kind gifts of all types as part of our rewards system. Giving in this area helps us incentivize users for learning. Easily shippable items such as gift cards, new tech devices, and other small real goods are welcome.
​​​​​Every contribution made helps POWR continue to uplift vulnerable populations toward financial independence, wellness, and informed civic participation.
Be a catalyst for change – help us empower communities with financial freedom and economic opportunity for all.
Contact Us
Please contact us to learn more, discuss partnership, or donate in-kind. We want to hear from you!
Bay Area, CA